Diocese of Antipolo Catholic Schools Association

MaPSA - Antipolo


History of Colegio De San Clemente

Organizational Chart

Message of the Director


School Director


It is a pleasure to welcome you to the DACSA MaPSA Antipolo’s official website.

I am confident that it will give you a good overview about the member school’s vision and mission and the values they uphold.

This website is also a platform for knowledge sharing. The website design allows for easier navigation of documents, programs and activities for students and parents.

We have been called to adapt in different ways over the last months due to the pandemic. I sincerely hope that you will find this website informative and useful especially now that most classes and school transactions are done online.

I encourage you to frequently visit our website. If there is anything we can do to make it better, please feel free to contact us so that we can improve it.

Let us navigate this pandemic situation together.

Admission Policies and Guidelines

Admission is a vital component and task of every academic institution. Once a student is granted entry to the school, it means that the student and his/her parents and/or guardians agree to the academic standards of the school, adhere to the institutional vision and mission, understand the ideals of Christian education, and comply with the institutional rules and regulations.

Admission Committee
Registration is handled by the Admission Committee composed of the Principal, the Registrar, the Guidance Counselor, and the Level Coordinators.

Admission Policy
The school establishes its own admission policies. These policies guide the Admission committee in confirming the admission, retention, and transfer of students.
General policies on application for enrolment:

  • The start of admission for Preschool is October. For Grade School and High School (Junior, Senior, and TechVoc), admission starts in November. The school has the right to close the admission in a certain level if the maximum or ideal number of students has been reached.
  • The applicant must be officially enrolled and promoted or eligible to transfer to the level he/she is applying in. The applicant must be able to submit all the necessary documents needed for application.
  • The applicant should have no failing grades in all subjects. Moreover, the applicant must not have DROPPED nor REPEATED any level.
  • The applicant must have good deportment records with no grave or serious disciplinary cases.
  • The applicant must pass the entrance test with a rate of 70%. He/she must also pass the interview administered by the members of the Admission committee.
  • An applicant may take the entrance test for a certain level only once.
  • In times of emergency and discomfort, the applicant may reschedule the exam and interview. The applicant may arrange rescheduling up to three times.
  • In cases wherein a recommendation from a Developmental Pediatrician/Psychologist or specialist is needed, the decision for acceptance of a certain applicant will depend on the recommendation and the careful evaluation of the Admission committee. The school carries out the “No Child Left Behind” and “No Rejection” policies. If a certain applicant has severe disability/exceptionality, the school may require a Shadow Teacher/Personal Aide for the applicant once he/she is admitted. The parents/guardians must provide for the personnel that they will employ for their child.
  • Certificate of eligibility for admission from the Department of Education (DepEd) is needed in cases where the student-applicant cannot reasonably secure his/her school credentials for reasons beyond his/her control, such as;

o Closure of the last school attended
o Damage of documents due to fire or natural calamities

  • Admission may be denied based on legal and/or reasonable grounds, as follows:

o Health concerns of the student applicant
o Irreconcilable differences and deterioration of relationship between the parents and school authorities/teachers
o Involvement in grave/serious cases that need major disciplinary actions and/or legal proceedings
o Violation of the admission policies and regulations of the school

Admission Requirements

  • Age requirement for Preschool and Grade 1 levels

o Toddler- The applicant should be at least three (3) years old by August 31 within the school year he/she is applying for.
o Nursery- The applicant should be at least four (4) years of age by August 31 within the school year he/she is applying for.
o Kindergarten- The applicant should be at least five (5) years of age by August 31 within the school year he/she is applying for.
o Grade 1- The applicant should be at least six (6) years of age by August 31 within the time of enrolment or will complete the age required until August 31 within the school year.
Note: All five (5) year-old children and above who have not attended or completed kindergarten classes or community- based early childhood education intervention are eligible to undergo DepEd Kindergarted catch-Up Education Program. All pupils who underwent this program shall submit the certificate of completion with indication that the child is ELIGIBLE FOR Grade 1 admission from the DepEd district where the child belongs.

  • Requirements for Pre -enrolment

o Two (2) pieces 2”x2” recent colored pictures with white background and complete name
o One (1) photocopy of latest Report Card (Form 138) with at least two grading periods or one semester and Learner Reference Number (LRN)
o Duly accomplished application and student information forms (will be issued upon submission of requirements)
o Examination permit (present official receipt for verification during examination)

  • Requirements for enrolment

o Two (2) clear photocopies of NSO/PSA Birth Certificate (original NSO/PSA Birth Certificate must be presented for verification)
o Original and one (1) photocopy of recent authenticated Report Card (Form 138) (properly and completely filled-out without erasures and Learner Reference Number)
o One (1) recommendation form (sealed in an envelope and properly accomplished by the adviser, guidance counselor, or a former teacher of the student. Recommendation forms which are not properly accomplished and sealed in an envelope are deemed invalid.)
o Certificate of Good Moral
o Medical Form (will be issued upon submission of requirements)
o One (1) long brown envelope
o One (1) piece 1”x1” recent colored pictures with white background and complete name (for incoming Grade 7 students only)
o ESC (Educational Service Contracting) Certificate (for High School student applicants, if applicable)
o One (1) photocopy of NCAE results (for incoming Grade 11 students only)
o Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD) (checklist for incoming preschool and Grade 1 pupils only)

  • Foreign students may be admitted upon compliance with all the following requirements (all original copies must be present for verification)

o Authenticated and translated Transcript of Records (TOR) (the student applicant must have studied in DepEd- accredited schools or whose curriculum are DepEd-accredited)
o Two (2) photocopies of translated Birth Certificate
o Two (2) photocopies of the student’s Alien Certificate of Registration (ACR)
o Two (2) photocopies of a Special Study Permit issued by the Bureau of Immigration (BI) or Certificate of Residence for Temporary Students (CRTS)
o Two (2) photocopies of Student’s Visa or if applicant has a DUAL citizenship, submit a photocopy of Philippine Passport or a Certificate of Recognition as a Filipino citizen.
o Processing fee
o Other requirements that the school may deem necessary
*All requirements submitted will become part of the school property and will not be returned or photocopied.
*If deemed necessary, the school has the right to require applicants to submit additional requirements and documents.

Admission Procedure

For New Students

o Secure requirements list from the Guidance Counselor.
o Upon submission of examination requirements, secure an application form and examination scheduled from the Guidance Center. Incomplete examination requirements will not be processed.
o The applicant must pay the non-refundable and non-transferable entrance examination fee at the Finance Office. Present the receipt of payment for entrance examination to the Guidance Center on the examination schedule together with the application form.
o The applicant must have a 70% rating in the examination which will be administered at the Guidance Center. The results will be available a week after the examination.
o If the applicant passed the examination, the Guidance Counselor will issue a schedule for interview for the applicant and his/her parents/guardians. The interview will take place at the Guidance Center and will be administered by the members of the Admission Committee.
o The Guidance Counselor will give a reservation form after the interview. The applicant must pay the reservation fee at the Finance Office. The finance officer will sign the form once payment has been made. The form will be returned by the applicant to the Guidance Center. Issuance and payment of reservation form is until March 31. Beyond March 31, the applicant need not to reserve and will be asked to enroll on the scheduled date of enrollment.
o Once the applicant has completed all the requirements, he/she can enroll on the
scheduled date of enrolment. Applicants with incomplete requirements will not be allowed to enroll.

For Old Students

Students are reserved for admission for the coming school year upon paying the reservation fee. Students who committed major offenses during the current school year will not be given a reservation form and will be advised to transfer to another school. A deadline is imposed for the submission and the validity of the reservation form.

For Returning/Non-repeater Students

Students who were once enrolled at CDSC and transferred to another school will be treated as new students if they wish to come back. Returning students with serious/major disciplinary records in their former school will only be re-admitted with if his/her case/s were properly evaluated by his/her former school and the decision on his/her case/s is favorable to him/her. Returning students who were given a recommendation to transfer to another school due to their behavior and disciplinary records will not be accepted.

Student Manual - AY 2020-2021

School Calendar S.Y. 2020-2021


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265A Doña Aurora St, Angono, 1930 Rizal

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(02) 8651 0032

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