Diocese of Antipolo Catholic Schools Association

MaPSA - Antipolo


History of Sta. Cecilia Parochial School

Sta. Cecilia Parochial School started its operation in June 1993 under the administration of the Sta. Cecilia Parish Priest, REV. FR. EFREN C. VILLANUEVA. The school was named Sta. Cecilia Parochial School after Sta. Cecilia Parish and the donor of the land, MS. CECILIA AMADO.

The school started with 47 pupils distributed in Nursery, Kinder, Preparatory and in Grade One levels who occupied the two-storey support Parish Hall. From June 1993, one grade level was added every year and this made the completion of the Elementary Department that had its first batch of graduates in 1998. Due to more than 100 population increase every year, Fr. Efren decided to put up an initial two-storey building with eight (8) classrooms in December 1994. This was made possible through a loan with Rural Banks. In 1997, the same director decided to extend the building that made the completion of the three storey building of the school. In September 1997, Fr. Efren was transferred to another school. He was replaced by REV. FR. JOSELITO R. ROCERO.

In 1998, SCPS opened its Secondary Department and started to accept 1st Year students. SCPS had its first batch of High School graduates in the year 2002. With the leadership of Fr. Lito, the school continued to develop in all its areas. Another two-storey building was constructed for the Faculty and Administrative Offices. On Feb. 2004, Fr. Lito was confined due to heart ailment. In his absence of six months he was relieved by REV. FR. ROMARICO V. HILARIO. Fr. Rico strengthened the marketing strategies of the school thru billboards and streamers made of tarpaulin. He successfully launched a clean and green program in the school and created the school MOTTO:” Our commitment, your future”. Fr. Lito resumed to service in SCPS in Oct. 2004. In 2005, under the administration of Fr.Lito, the school applied for FAPE and was granted accreditation. Fr. Lito transferred to Our Lady of Nativity Parochial School in October 2006. He was replaced by REV. FR. ROY B. CRUCERO.

Being a young and energetic director, Fr. Roy introduced changes in the varied systems of different departments of SCPS. He initiated the First Strategic Planning session in May 2007. In 2009, physical improvements were made evident. Construction of the School Covered Court was realized thru the joint effort of SCPS PTA and a private sponsor in Montalban. Fr. Roy believed that SCPS, being a Catholic School, must provide good spiritual trainings to its students. He exerted great effort to schedule additional spiritual trainings such as recollection and pilgrimage to our students. He also asked the assistance of the Bishop by paying our loan in the bank in the amount of P1.9 Million in December 2010. On February 22, 2011, he was transferred to San Clemente Parish and was replaced by REV. FR. GERARD JOAQUIN V. MASANGYA.

Fr. Gerry is very active and hands-on in all the areas of development in the school. In January 2013, he initiated to pay in full our loan to the Diocese. He strengthens the school Strategic Planning as well as the Implementation and Evaluation of the plan. In 2012, the school’s Vision, Mission, Philosophy, Goals, Objectives and Motto was revisited and had its launched in Sept. of the same year.

SCPS started implementing the K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum in the kindergarten in SY 2011-2012 and in Grade 1- Grade 7 in SY 2013-2014. The school applied to operate Senior High School (SHS) in April 2014 and was approved in April 2015 with Academic Track with strands STEM, ABM, HUMSS and GAS with Government Permit # SHS-818,s.2016 and SHS-95,s.2015.

In preparation for the school operation of SHS in 2016, SCPS construction of the SHS building started in December 2014. SCPS opened its SHS Department (Grade 11) in June 15, 2016 with Academic Track and strands : STEM, ABM & GAS. It started with 64 students distributed in different strands. In June 2017, HUMMS is offered for SHS.

SCPS welcomed Rev.fr. Noeh Emor Elnar as new school director on August 25,2017. Through his management and leadership, the school improvements are continuous. It is under Fr. Elnar’s administration when the first batch of Senior High School students under the Academic Track with strands in ABM, HUMSS and STEM graduated in April 2018.

During his term as a school Director, the Technology and Livelihood Education Laboratory was completed and the new grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes was built, were both blessed and became functional in 2018.

In August 30, 2018, during the MaPSA 2019 Annual General Assembly held in Marikina City, SCPS received recognition as Silver Jubilarian Awardee, this is in consonance of the school 25th Anniversary Celebration. During the silver anniversary celebration of the school, the new Senior High School building was blessed and named after the Most Rev. Protacio G. Gungon, D.D. The unveiling and launching of the SHS Marker, New School Vision and Mission Statements and the 25 years Timeline of the School were held.

On April 1, 2019, the school community welcome the return of Rev. Fr. Gerard Joaquin V. Masangya as School Director, at the same time Rev. Fr. Noeh E.Elnar vacated his office as he accepted new assignment in Cainta, Rizal.

Organizational Chart

Admission Policies and Guidelines


Admission policy is a very important task of the school. It means granting an applicant admission to the school with definite understanding that the pupil/student and his/her parents/guardian agree to comply with the scholastic as well as the ideals of Christian education along with the school rules and regulations.

The school therefore sets the following standards for admission:
a. Sta. Cecilia Parochial School admits preferably Catholic Applicants whose parents are practicing Catholics;
b. Applicants must complete the admission requirements and must pass the entrance examination.

The admission committee is composed of the Registrar, Guidance Advocate, Prefect of Discipline and the Principal.


a. Old Pupils/Students
• Grade School Card (Form 138)
• 2 pcs (1×1) picture
• NCAE Result (Senior High School only)

b. New Pupils/Students/Transferees
• School Card (Form 138) with an average of at least 85%
• PSA Copy of Birth Certificate
• Copy of Baptismal Certificate
• Certificate of Good Moral duly signed by the Principal/Guidance
• 3 pcs. 2×2 Pictures
• NCAE Result (Senior High School only

c. Pre-Elementary to Grade 1
– Nursery ( 4 years old )
– Kindergarten ( 5 years old)

NOTE: No Report Card and Good Moral Character, No acceptance for enrolment. If previous school has no Permit or Recognition from the government, pupil/student is required to take the validation examination given by DepEd in the Central Office.

Foreign Pupils/Students

• Those who have completed the Sixth or Seventh Grade abroad are eligible for admission to Grade 7, however, graduates of a five-year elementary curriculum are eligible only for admission to Grade 6.
• Those who have completed the Eight Grade abroad are eligible for admission to Grade 8, but shall take Filipino7 and Araling Panlipunan 7
• Those who have completed the Ninth Grade abroad are eligible for Grade 9, but shall take Filipino 7 and Araling Panlipunan 7 and then take Filipino 8 in the Grade 10.
• Those who have completed the Tenth Grade abroad are eligible for Grade 10, but shall take Filipino 7 and Araling Panlipunan 7.
• Certificate of compliance with the Bureau of Immigration and Department of Foreign Affairs
• Certificate of Eligibility, copy of Alien for Admission from DepEd. 12
• Photocopy of Alien’s Certification of Registration (ACR) against the original and signed by the officer from the Foreign Division, DepEd.
• Approved Study Permit from the Foreign Division, DepEd and Evaluation papers inclusive
• Birth and Baptismal Certificate
• Report Card with an average of 80% above
• Result of Entrance Test
• Interview with the Principal
• Health Certificate for HIV/AIDS and drug free
All High School Students are required to undergo drug testing once a year.


a. Secure application form and list of requirements from the Registrar’s office.
b. Fill up application form and submit it with all the requirements.
c. Secure interview and testing schedule from the Guidance Office.
d. Pay the testing fee and secure permit.
e. Take the entrance examination on the scheduled date.


Registration of student applicants is thru the https://dioceseofantipolo.net/e/.

a. A pupil/student is deemed officially enrolled when he/she

– submitted his/her complete and appropriate admission or
transfer credentials
– made full or initial payment of school fees
– been authorized to attend classes in the school

b. A pupil/student should be enrolled only under their true
names. Law prohibits the use of nicknames and aliases.

d. An enrollment contract form has to be accomplished by the

e. Credentials submitted for enrollment become part of the pupil’s/student’s record and cannot be withdrawn upon registration unless the student leaves the school. A request by a student for a copy of those credentials can be accommodated upon filing such request.

f. Provisional Enrollment. In meritorious cases as may be determined by the private school concerned, a student without any appropriate admission or transfer credentials may be provisionally enrolled, allowed to attend classes and to earn credits for the subjects he/she is enrolled in during the school year. The provisional enrollment of the student shall be conditioned on the submission of his valid admission or transfer credentials on or before the last day of the Third Quarter.

• Only Official Guardian can transact business with the Registrar Office and Adviser

Unless previously authorized by the Secretary or his duly authorized representative, a provisionally – enrolled student shall not be enrolled for the next higher grade, course or level for the next succeeding school term, if he/she cannot submit his valid admission or transfer credentials on or before the period specified herein, and whatever credits for the subject or subjects he/she may have passed shall not be recognized.


A. PAYMENT OF FEES via SCPS Cashier/BPI/Rural Bank of Montalban

1. Forms of Payment

Tuition and Other School Fees may be paid in the form of cash or by check.

A. Cash Payment. 

The Philippine money currently circulated by the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) is the only currency that will be accepted in paying school fees. Only cash payment will be accepted for the final period and for settlement of accounts.

B. Check Payment.

– Only dated checks will be accepted in paying tuition and other school fees. The name of the student & year level must be written at the back of the check.
– Post-dated checks are not accepted.
– Checks shall no longer be accepted from parties whose previous checks have been dishonored.
-Out-of town checks are not accepted.

2. Mode of Payment

Payment of fees is made on two schemes: CASH basis and INSTALLMENT basis. It may be paid in the form of cash or check payment.

a. CASH BASIS. Tuition and other school fees should be paid in full during
b. INSTALLMENT BASIS. Tuition and other school fees may be paid based on the
school’s prescribed schedule of fees. The first payment (down payment) should
be paid during enrollment and the remaining balances should be divided equally
for eight (8) months and is to be completely paid before the closing of the school
year which is on before the 30th of March.

3. Overdue Accounts

The balances incurred at the end of the school year shall be applied with respective surcharges until such the account has been cleared. A surcharge of 3% per month shall be charged on all overdue accounts.

1. On Payment of Books

Books can be purchased on cash basis only.

2. On Purchase of School Uniforms and School Materials

Uniforms, school patches, level patches and school materials are also available in our school. The items can be purchased only on cash basis. Credits or charge-on-account is not allowed.

3. ESC and EVS Grantees (Scholarship)

All ESC and EVS Grantees are to be assessed at an installment/cash basis. Grantees must pay their respective school fees regularly as scheduled. Upon payment of the ESC and EVS Fund, only then that the amount shall be credited to your tuition fee account. Any payment in excess of the amount transferred shall be refunded to the respective grantees through the finance office.

4. On issuance of Examination Permit

A student may be given an examination permit upon payment of school fees (total amount due) and presentation of promissory note.

5. On Issuance of Promissory Notes
Only the Parent or Guardian declared in the registration form may ask for a Promissory Note. The Parent or Guardian should sign and fill up the complete information indicated in the form. A Promissory Note with no signature of the parent or guardian and incomplete information will not be accepted.


A student may withdraw from the school any time of the year:

• Upon presentation of a written notice of withdrawal from the parent or guardian.
• After an official clearance from the Finance Office;
• Approval from the Principal and School Director.


Pupils or students who transfer or otherwise withdraw are entitled to a refund of their tuition and will be charged:

1. 5% of the total amount due for the term if they withdraw before classes starts.
2. 10% of the total amount due for the term if they withdraw within the first week classes regardless of whether or not he/she actually attended classes.
3. 20% of the total amount due for the term if they withdraw within the second week of classes. 16
4. 100% of the total amount due for the term if they withdraw after the second week of classes.
5. *TERM = One (1) School Year for Pre-school to Grade 10 and One (1) Semester for Grade 11 to 12
*SCHOOL YEAR = June to March for Pre-School to Grade 10
*ONE SEMESTER = June to October (1st Semester) and November to March (2nd Semester)


Reservation fee, Computer Fee, Miscellaneous and Other Fees are not refundable. However, the reservation fee is deductible from the tuition fee upon enrollment.


A student who decides to stop attending classes is required to accomplish the Official Dropping Form at the Registrar’s Office and submit it to the Finance Office. Failure to do so will mean an accumulation of accounts for the school year.


A pupil/student in one school is entitled to transfer to another school, provided he/she has settled his/her obligations with the school he/she is enrolled in.


a. The release of transfer credentials of any pupil/student may be withheld for the
following reasons:
– Suspension
– Expulsion
– Non-payment of financial obligations to the school.
b. Graduation proofs like diploma, pictures, etc. will only be issued upon settlement of all financial obligations to the school.

There are eight (8) online monthly examinations during the year.
Periodical tests are given for three days.

Student Manual - AY 2020-2021

School Calendar S.Y. 2020-2021

Sta. Cecilia Parochial School

Visit Us:

Sta. Cecilia St.,Maly, San Mateo, Rizal

Contact Us:


(02) 8 297 2522

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