Diocese of Antipolo Catholic Schools Association

MaPSA - Antipolo


History of San Ildefonso College

Message of the Director


School Director

…That all maybe ONE as your FATHER, are in me, and I in you… (Jn 17:20-21)

Amidst this trying time, the prayer and call of Jesus for UNITY, is an encouraging invitation and reminder for us all, to withstand the new normal orientation in educating our learners, for this school year 2020-21.

Our initiative in putting our resources together in our educational system, is an indication of ONENESS for comprehensive and timely responses to the signs of the times, with all the limitations and uncertainties that came our way.

The journey towards our adjustment is indeed challenging.  Hence, our continued support as “ONE FAMILY” will certainly ease the tensions of current endeavor.

Let us be UNITED as we journey towards the threshold of the NEW NORMAL.

May the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit keep us one in FAITH and SERVICE.


Admission Policies and Guidelines

Admission, Policies and Procedures of the College Department

General Requirements for Freshmen Admission

The basic requirement for eligibility for admission to collegiate level is graduation from a secondary level program recognized by the Department of Education. He/She must pass the entrance examination and satisfactorily answer the interview conducted by the Guidance Counselor. However, students with special needs are required to present psychological evaluation with recommendations.

General Requirements for Transfer Students

San Ildefonso College is accepting transfer students from other schools provided that he/she will first present Certificate of Transfer and/or Transfer Credentials from his/her previous school. He/She needs to pass an interview conducted by the Guidance Counselor and to submit the complete admission requirements. Since SIC adopts the Open Admission but Selective Retention Policy, no ceiling grade is required from a transferee.

Cross Enrollees

Only candidates for graduation can cross-enroll and only if the subject is not offered during the semester or summer in SIC. Permit to cross-enroll must be recommended by the School Registrar. Permit, however, will not be given for any major or special subject.

Screening and Selecting Procedures
The Guidance and Testing Center determines the status of the new students based on the scores/results of their College Entrance Exam and other screening requirements.

New students should also pass the interview with satisfactory rating. Interview is done to find out an applicant’s communication skills in English and Filipino. This also gauges his/her knowledge in some issues/topics presented to him.

Freshmen as well as transfer students shall also present a certification of good moral character, duly signed by the official representative of his/her previous school.

If one of the requirements is not complied with fully by the applicant, the School Registrar, in her discretion, may admit the student on condition that the said student is given only one or two semesters of probation period. The Guidance Counselor will follow-through the standing of the said student.

All new students (freshmen, transferees) practically are on probationary status. They have to show that they are academically and behaviorally good students of the College.

Student’s Evaluation Sheet

The following examinations are being administered by the Guidance and Testing Center:
1. Qualifying Examination for Major Subjects
2. Freshmen Diagnostic Examination for Remedial English

Registration Procedure

1. See the Admission and Registration Office (WINDOW 1) for:
1.1 Inquiries
1.2 Evaluation
1.3 Submission of Admission Credentials
1.4 Initial Enrolment
2. See the Guidance Center for:
2.1 Interview of Transferees and Freshmen College Students
3. See the Finance and Accounting Office (WINDOW 2) for:
3.1 Assessment of Payment
3.2 Paying the Tuition Fee
4. Proceed again to the Admission and Registration Office (WINDOW 1) for:
4.1 Final Enrolment
4.2 Securing of Class Cards

Registration, Enrolment and Academic Guidelines

1. The following are required of any student who wishes to enroll in San Ildefonso College:

a. For Incoming College Freshmen
➢ Medical Certificate(fit to study)
➢ Psychological Evaluation (if applicable)
➢ Preliminary Personal Assessment Form from Center for Christian Formation Office
➢ Form 138 – Report Card
➢ Certificate of Good Moral Character
➢ 2 x 2 I.D. Pictures (2 copies)
➢ Photocopy of NSO Birth Certificate
➢ Interview slip from the SIC Guidance Counselor
➢ Marriage Certificate (For Married College Transferees)
b. For College Transferees
➢ Medical Certificate(fit to study)
➢ Psychological Evaluation (if applicable)
➢ Preliminary Personal Assessment Form from Center for Christian Formation Office
➢ Transfer Certificate / Form 138
➢ Photocopy of NSO Birth Certificate
➢ Certificate of Good Moral Character
➢ Interview slip from the SIC Guidance Counselor
➢ 2 x 2 I.D. Pictures (2 copies)
➢ Marriage Certificate (For Married College Transferees)

2. Credentials submitted for enrollment become part of the official school records and cannot be withdrawn after registration.

3. Every student is responsible for checking carefully his/her study load against schedule of the prescribed courses and for maintaining satisfactory standards for scholarships.

4. He/She is expected to enroll at the specified days. If he/she registers after the first day of classes, he/she is charged a late registration fee. Class hours lost by late registration are considered absences.

5. During the enrollment period, a student may change or withdraw from a subject or a course with the approval of the College Dean. After the close of the official enrollment period, changes are no longer permitted.

6. A student is considered officially enrolled, only if he/she has submitted his/her Form 138 or other similar credentials; has been regularly attending classes and has made payments of some kind or has arranged for such payment with the Finance Office.

7. The College Department reserves the right to cancel subjects already programmed due to insufficient number of students or other necessitating circumstances.

8. A semestral hour, the equivalent of one unit of credit, represents one lecture hour or two, or three hours of laboratory work. The unit values of each course are indicated in the description of courses.

9. At the end of every semester, a record of each student is taken from the Registrar’s Office. A report of the grade is issued to the students.

Other guidelines:

10.1 No student is allowed to enroll in San Ildefonso College and in any institution at the same time or during the same semester unless such enrollment has been previously approved by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED).
10.2 No student may enroll in any subject unless he/she has completed the corresponding pre-requisite subject(s). Otherwise, such subject that was taken without first taking the pre-requisite subject(s) shall be invalidated.
10.3 Students are allowed to attend only in classes where they are officially enrolled or registered.
11. No credit will be given to:
11.1 Subjects where the students are not officially enrolled.
11.2 Subjects in excess of the regular load, not authorized by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED).

Rules of Registration

1. The enrolment or registration is for the entire semester.
2. Student is expected to enroll at the specified registration days. No further enrolment is allowed after two (2) weeks of the opening of the classes.
3. A student is deemed officially enrolled after he/she has submitted his/her admission credentials, made an initial payment of tuition fees and allowed to attend classes presenting a class card issued by the Registrar.
4. A student without any appropriate admission credentials may be temporarily enrolled: allowed to attend classes provided that he/she will submit valid credentials and pay tuition and other fees two(2) weeks after the closing of enrolment. Failure to comply on the period specified herein will mean invalidation and non-recognition of the prior registration.
5. All students are expected to enroll at the specified days or period. Student who has been classified as late enrollee shall be charged of a minimum penalty of P 100.00 per day of delayed registration and class hours lost by late registration are considered as absences

School Calendar S.Y. 2020-2021

San Ildefonso College

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San Ildefonso College M.H Del Pilar St. Tanay, Rizal 1980

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